
Baha’is of the United States – the official website of the Baha’is of the United States

The Baha’i­ Faith – the official website of the Baha’i international community. The best place for information about the Baha’i Faith and its worldwide community

Baha’i­ World News Service – news and human interest stories of the Baha’i international community

The Baha’i­ World Publication – a collection of thoughtful essays and articles to reflect the Faith’s purpose and mission in the world

La Fe Bahá’í – The Baha’i Faith page in Spanish

Baha’is of Virginia Beach, VA – the webpage of our sister community, Virginia Beach

Radio Baha’i WLGI 90.9 FM – Radio Baha’i contributes to a prosperous and just civilization created by vibrant communities based on spiritual principles


Daily spiritually uplifting quotes from the Baha’i Writings about love, peace, fellowship & wisdom

Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB18 hours ago
O Lord! Draw up the people from the abyss of the ocean of hatred and enmity, and deliver them from this impenetrable darkness. Unite their hearts, and brighten their eyes with the light of peace and reconciliation.

Tablets of the Divine Plan, p. 57
#bahai #quotes
Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB2 days ago
O ye that dwell on earth!
The religion of God is for love and unity;
make it not the cause of enmity or dissension.

Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh
#bahai #quotes
Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB3 days ago
No understanding can grasp the nature of His Revelation,
nor can any knowledge comprehend the full measure of His Faith.
All sayings are dependent upon His sanction,
and all things stand in need of His Cause.
All else save Him are created by His command,
and move and have their being through His law.

The Kitáb-i-Íqán
#bahai #quotes
Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB4 days ago
Heed not your weaknesses
and frailty; fix your gaze
upon the invincible power
of the Lord, your God,...
Arise in His name,
put your trust wholly in Him,
and be assured of ultimate victory.

The Báb
(Addressed to the Letters of the Living, cited in “The Dawn-Breakers: Nabíl’s Narrative of the Early Days of the Bahá’í Revelation”, trans. and ed. Shoghi Effendi (Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1974), p. 94)

(The Power of Divine Assistance)

#bahai #quotes
Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB5 days ago
For the core of religious faith is that mystic feeling that unites man with God. This state of spiritual communion can be brought about and maintained by means of meditation and prayer.

Shoghi Effendi

qtd. in The Importance of Prayer, Meditation and the Devotional Attitude: A Compilation, no. 40.

#bahai #quotes
Baha'i Writings Service on FB
Baha'i Writings Service on FB6 days ago
You must become the shining candles of moral precepts and spiritual ideals and be the means of the illumination of others. Clothe your bodies with the robes of virtues. Characterize yourselves with the characteristics of the people of divine morality. Shun all manner of vices as you shun a poisonous snake or a leper.

Excellence in All Things, no. 31.

#bahai #quotes